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Taken [2008] Empty Taken [2008]

Сообщение автор Admin Пн Дек 01, 2008 2:06 pm

The film follows an ex-CIA "Preventer", who is faced with recovering his daughter after she is kidnapped by human trafficking|sex-traffickers in Paris, France.

Bryan (Liam Neeson), a former secret agent living in the US. He is skilled in hand to hand combat, divorced; and loves his 17-year-old daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) who lives with his ex-wife and her new husband Stuart (Xander Berkeley). Kim wants to take a vacation in Europe with her friend Amanda (Katie Cassidy), and together follow U2's European tour. Kim's mother allows this, but Kim also needs permission from her father. Since Kim fears that Bryan will not consent, she pretends that they will only stay in Paris. Reluctantly, Bryan agrees.

In Paris a seemingly friendly young man named Peter (Nicolas Giraud) proposes to share a taxi with them to the house where Kim and her friend are staying, and so they do. However, the man works for an Albanian Mafia|Albanian criminal organization, to which he reports the address.

In the house, after a few minutes Kim receives a phone call from her father, where she then goes to the bathroom. She then sees from the bathroom window, men entering the room and abducting Amanda. Bryan is able to gain critical information about the kidnappers in the final moments after Kim is kidnapped by telling her to shout out everything about them that she notices. Briefly Bryan talks to one of the kidnappers, telling him that if they let his daughter go he will not pursue them, before the man smashes his daughters phone.

Using his contacts in the CIA and the business connections of his ex-wifes husband, Bryan travels to Paris to find her, informed that the kidnappers are sex-slavers and that he has only 96 hours to recover his daughter before she will disappear forever. The particular kidnapper he talked is revealed to be an Albanian named Marco.

Женщина Количество сообщений : 2957
Дата рождения : 1983-07-18
Возраст : 40
Географическое положение : Исландия
Настроение : Всегда отличное!


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